Box Tool Icon_PrimitiveShapes_Box

You can create a box with this tool on a plane. This tool allows you to make a box on any polygons as well as on the floor like other tools in the primitive shapes group. Therefore, you can make a simple level only with this.


  1. Select Box Tool

  2. Draw a rectangle on a plane by dragging the mouse.

  3. Release LMB and move the mouse up in a normal to raise the height.

  4. Click LMB to stop raising.

  5. If necessary, type the precise size in Width, Depth and Height fields in Properties.

  6. Press SPACE to complete or Press ESC to cancel.


LMB Drag

Starts and draws a bottom rectangle of a box.


Completes creating a box.


Cancels creating a box


Select Only Visible

If on, the shape can be built on only a visible polygon. Namely backfaced or occluded polygons are excluded.

Floor Height

The height of the floor where the primitive shape is built by LMB Dragging.


Width of a box


Depth of a box


Height of a box

Border Check

If on, the ray cast will run and it checks if the created box is beyond the opposite polygons. It might cause a stop for a second at the beginning.


The box with this property enabled will be glued to the polygon where it started to be created. It means that the hidden part of the floor polygon by the created box is removed.


A box on a floor.


A box on the other polygon.