UModeler Lite



As of September 19th 2023 UModeler lite is deprecated. For those who have already downloaded the Lite version, you can continue to use it, but there will be no further updates.


UModeler Lite includes core functionality of the full version so it will be enough for you to experience the power and conveience of UModeler.


Import UModeler Lite package in your project after getting it from the asset store.

Make sure that Tools/UModeler Lite menu has been created at the top. If you click on New UModeler in the sub menu, a new game object with UModeler component will be created and you can see the layout looking like the following.



UModeler Lite Layout

[1] Working Area

Editing meshes.

[2] Toolbar

Tools used frequently are located here. i.e. Vertex/Edge/Polygon Selection/Transform tools, New UModeler Object, Settings and 3D Cursor Tools. However, 3D Cursor cannot be used in the Lite version.

[3] UModeler Inspector

The Inspector window of UModeler Lite

Menu part

There are icons on various UModeler tools. Tools marked with black icons are only available in the full version.

Properties part

The properties and GUIs related to the current tool are displayed here.

[4] Gizmo type

Selecting a gizmo among Translate, Rotate and Scale. These buttons are interlocked with the UModeler gizmo type.

[5] Coordinate Frame

Selecting a coordinate frame of both Global and Local. These buttons are also interlocked with the UModeler gizmo’s frame.

User Interface


Confirms the current action.


Cancels the current function or Exit the current tool.






Hand Tool


Translation Gizmo


Rotation Gizmo


Scale Gizmo


Selects or moves several elements.

LMB Drag

Selects or moves several elements.


Special action depending on the current tool

CTRL + LMB or LMB Drag

Special action depending on the current tool

LMB - Left Mouse Button CTRL - Control Key

MeshFilter Component

There are new UIs in the MeshFilter component to save a mesh as .asset file. The asset file is a kind of a reference to geometry data. It prevents mesh data from being lost in the prefab.

When you create a UModeler object at first, the mesh doesn’t exist yet.


The new asset file named after the mesh name is created after you click on Save button.


With Save As button, you can rename it or save it in a different folder. Once a mesh is saved as .asset the mesh data in the asset file will be synchronized with the UModeler mesh.

Available Tools

The available tools listed below in the Lite version are core ones for 3D modeling so we’re sure that with just following tools you can create great levels and artworks.

Features difference between Lite ver and Full ver


Tools difference between Lite ver and Full ver


Let’s get started with UModeler Lite

  1. To get started with UModeler Light you should create a UModeler Lite object at first through Tools > UModeler Lite > New UModeler

  1. Select Box Tool in the inspector after making sure that a new UModeler Lite object is created in the hierachy window.

  1. Create a box whose size is 1m x 1m x 1m by clicking on One-Click Build button.


4. You can adjust width, depth and height by entering number in the Properties in the inspector. If you think the box looks as you wished, click on Confirm button. Now you are ready to make a fantastic world with UModeler Lite in Unity.


We have tutorial videos so that you can get used to UModeler Lite quickly. Click below to watch them.

Tutorial Videos

Artworks made with UModeler Lite


Level Design


3D Modeling




Concept Design