############################ UModeler 2021 ############################ Version 2.8.10f2 | December.14.2021 ======================================== - Asset : Includes the Moonglow Village Demo Package for 2.8.10 users. - Fix : Fixed an issue where the several same online document windows pop up when the mouse is over a text menu item in UV Editor. Version 2.8.10 | December.13.2021 ======================================== .. figure:: /images/moonglow_village_thumbnail.png :scale: 50 % - Asset : Includes the Moonglow Village Demo Package for 2.8.10 users. - Fix : Fixed an issue of ``Flatten`` tool where unnecessary Edit mode was enabled. - Fix : Fixed a null exception error occurring as UV unwrapping tools like ``Plane``, ``Cube`` etc are executed when no object is selected. - Fix : Fixed an issue where ``Shift+LMB`` clicking the ``UV Editor`` that is already selected didn't work to open in its documentation page. - Fix : Fixed an issue where a highlighted edge was obscured. - Fix : Fixed the Seamless Edit mode issue where Closed UModeler object and disabled UModeler object were selected. - Fix : Fixed a crash issue which occurred as being undone after being cut using the ``Cut`` tool. - Fix : Fixed a smart snap issue where the cursor wasn't snapped well to the closest a vertex or an edge in a large UModeler object. - Tweak : Added a new toggle in the Preference window called ``Disable popping up the About window`` to disable opening up the About window as UModeler is updated. - Tweak : Changed ``Angle`` property name to ``Angle Along Y Axis`` in the ``Mirror`` tool. - Enhancement : Added a new feature to select another UModeler object by LMB holding CTRL+Shift in Edit mode. - Enhancement : Added a new button called ``Select by Selected Polygons`` to select a smoothing group which includes the selected polygon. - Enhancement : Added a new button named ``Cancel`` in ``Mirror`` tool to revert changes that are made in Mirror mode. - Enhancement : Added a new button named ``Auto Smoothing`` in ``Cylinder``, ``Cone``, ``Spiral Stair``, ``Sphere`` and ``Capsule`` tools to create smoothed surfaces. Version 2.8.9f3 | December.7.2021 ======================================== - Asset : Includes the Basilica Cathedral Package for 2.8.9 users. - Fix : Fixed an error where UModelerEditor.dll isn't loaded in Unity 2021.2.5 Version 2.8.9f2 | November.29.2021 =================================== - Asset : Includes the Basilica Cathedral Package for 2.8.9 users. - Fix : Fixed constant GUI errors which were thrown while in the Hotspot Layout Editor in Unity 2021.2 - Fix : Fixed a bug where Hotspot Scriptable object doesn't get saved and is reset after each Unity Editor in Unity 2021.2 Version 2.8.9 | November.14.2021 =================================== .. figure:: /images/Basilica_Cathedral_Scenes.jpg :scale: 50 % - Asset : Includes the Basilica Cathedral Package for 2.8.9 users. Version 2.8.8f8 | November.5.2021 ==================================== - Asset : Includes the Medieval Weapons Package - Bow and Magic wands plus Swords and Shields for 2.8.8 users. - Asset : Includes Hamster Knight character pack for 2.8.8 users - Fix : Fixed GUI error in the UVEditor on Unity 2021.2.0f1. Version 2.8.8f7 | November.4.2021 - Asset : Includes the Medieval Weapons Package - Bow and Magic wands plus Swords and Shields for 2.8.8 users. - Asset : Includes Hamster Knight character pack for 2.8.8 users - Enhancement : Added a hotkey to toggle on and off UV Editor. ``Ctrl + Shift + U``. - Enhancement : Added a hotkey to toggle on and off floating the Menu and Property Windows. ``Ctrl + Shift + 8``. - Enhancement : Added a hotkey for ``Auto Smooth``. ``Ctrl + Shift + 6``. - Enhancement : Added a hotkey for ``Remove All`` in ``Smoothing Group Tool``. ``Ctrl + Shift + 9``. Version 2.8.8f6 | November.1.2021 ==================================== - Asset : Includes the Medieval Weapons Package - Bow and Magic wands plus Swords and Shields for 2.8.8 users. - Asset : Includes Hamster Knight character pack for 2.8.8 users - Enhancement : Added ''Auto Smoothing'' property in ``Bevel Tool`` - Fix : Fixed a bug where the Scale gizmo axis isn't aligned with the Object's rotation. - Enhancement : Added a snapping function to snap the straight cut plane straightly in ``Cut Tool``. - Enhancement : Added a new function to separate an half part to another game object in ``Cut Tool``. Version 2.8.8 | October.13.2021 ==================================== .. figure:: /images/UModeler2.8.8Update.png :scale: 25 % - Asset : Includes the Medieval Weapons Package - Bow and Magic wands plus Swords and Shields for 2.8.8 users. - Asset : Includes Hamster Knight character pack for 2.8.8 users - Enhancement : Added the Center Snap function in ``Parallel Tool`` - Enhancement : Added ``Remove UModeler`` menu to remove UModeler components of the selected objects. - Enhancement : Added ``Copy Materials`` and ``Paste Materials`` buttons in ``Material tool`` to allow you to copy materials and paste them in other UModeler object. - Enhancement : Added ``Keep Size`` property in ``Plane Unwrap Tool`` and ``Cube Unwrap Tool`` of the UV Editor to unwrap a polygon whose size is proportional to its size. - Enhancement : Implemented transferring element selection when ``Vertex Tool``, ``Edge Tool`` and ``Polygon Tool`` being selected to keep selection. Version 2.8.7f2 | September.13.2021 ==================================== - Asset : Includes the Medieval Weapons - Swords and Shields Pack for 2.8.7 users. - Asset : Includes Hamster Knight character pack for 2.8.7 users - Fix : Fixed a bug where ``Invisible in Playmode`` in ``Local Settings tool`` toggle removes any secondary materials from the object and causes ``Submesh Index Out of Bounds`` errors. - Fix : Fixed a ``Material Tool`` issue where it is possible to remove all material slots, which then throws ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptions and breaks the Inspector window if the GameObject is de-selected and re-selected - Fix : Fixed an issue where the gizmos' size of ``UV Editor`` is too large and not adpative according to the UV editor size. - Fix : Fixed a stack overflow issue where a mesh object is umodelerized using ``UModelerize Hierarchically``. - Fix : Fixed an issue where Shift was displayed in view commentary in ``Extrusion mode`` even when the extrude modifier key changed to Caps Lock in the Preference. - Fix : Fixed a ``Multi-PushPull Tool`` bug where Selecting ``One Step Pull`` without an active polygon selected throws NullReferenceExceptions - Fix : Fixed a ``Mirror Object Tool`` bug where MissingReferenceExceptions are thrown when repainting the scene view(moving the mouse around) after undoing a Mirror Object action - Fix : Fixed a ``Clone Tool`` bug where Dragging on a polygon with the left mouse button only slightly and then clicking on an empty space in the Scene view throws an unhandled NullReferenceException - Fix : Fixed a ``Clip Tool`` bug where Unhandled NullReferenceException in certain scenarios - Fix : Fixed a ``Polygon Group Tool`` bug where Remove Polygons button without a polygon selected throws a NullReferenceException - Fix : Fixed a bug where Shift+LMB on the selected menu button doesn't work to bringing up a online manual. - Fix : Fixed a ``Grow Select Tool`` bug of UV editor where Unhandled NullReferenceException is thrown when attempting to grow selection on a single face in the ``UV Editor`` - Fix : Fixed a ``Export Tool`` bug of ``UV Editor`` where warnings about releasing render texture that is set to be RenderTexture.active are thrown upon exporting - Fix : Fixed shortcut crash of ``Arc Tool`` and ``Duplicate Tool`` - Arc Tool shortcut changed to ``Ctrl+Shift+Q``. Duplicate Tool shortcut changed to ``Ctrl+Shift+D``. Version 2.8.7 | September.7.2021 =================================== .. figure:: /images/UModeler2.8.7.png :scale: 50 % - Asset : Includes the Medieval Weapons - Swords and Shields Pack for 2.8.7 users. - Asset : Includes Hamster Knight character pack for 2.8.7 users - Fix : Fixed a bug where the default thickness value was -0.01 in Room tool - Fix : Fixed a bug where Status window and Cursor window aren't visible in Unity 2021.2. The windows have changed to Unity editor windows. Version 2.8.6f3 | August.24.2021 ==================================== - Asset : Includes Hamster Knight character pack for 2.8.6 users - Asset : Includes the Ancient Dungeon demo pack for 2.8.5 and 2.8.6 users - Fix : Fixed a bug where ProBuidler 5.0.3 mesh isn't converted. Version 2.8.6f2 | August.17.2021 ==================================== - Asset : Includes Hamster Knight character pack for 2.8.6 users - Asset : Includes the Ancient Dungeon demo pack for 2.8.5 and 2.8.6 users - Fix : Fixed Scale gizmo's tip not being picked in UV Editor. - Fix : Fixed elements not being selected using Rect selection while overlays are docked in Unity 2021.2 - Enhancement : Added a shortcut to toggle on and off the Edit mode which can also be toggled on and off Open and Close buttons in the inspector. The default shortcut is ``Ctrl + Shift + Number 0`` Version 2.8.6f1 | August.8.2021 ================================ - Asset : Includes Hamster Knight character pack for 2.8.6 users - Asset : Includes the Ancient Dungeon demo pack for 2.8.5 and 2.8.6 users - Fix : Fixed broken UVs caused by padding property in the Hotspot Layout tool. - Fix : Fixed cutting line not being aligned with the cursor in Cut tool - Fix : Fixed incorrect UVs as texture's width and height is different. - Enhancement : Added ``Toolbar Position`` property in Preference to change a location of the toolbar in the scene view. .. figure:: /images/toolbarposition_property_preference.PNG :scale: 40 % Version 2.8.6 | July.12.2021 ================================ .. figure:: /images/HamsterKnight_Image.png :scale: 50 % - Asset : Includes Hamster Knight character pack for 2.8.6 users - Asset : Includes the Ancient Dungeon demo pack for 2.8.5 and 2.8.6 users - Fix : Fixed a shortcut of Rect Select Mode not working - Fix : Fixed Autolayout undo bug. Version 2.8.5f3 | July.2.2021 ================================ - Assets : Includes new Ancient Dungeon demo pack for 2.8.5 users - Fix : Fixed incorrect UVs of an .obj exported mesh when Export Face Type is Quads. - Fix : Fixed incorrect fold out arrow directions in the inspector window of UVEditor and 3D Modeling. - Fix : Made Rect Select Mode property only visible in Edge and Polygon tools. Version 2.8.5f2 | June.29.2021 ================================ - Assets : Includes new ``Ancient Dungeon`` demo pack for 2.8.5 users - Enhancement : Added ``Grow Select`` tool in ``Selection`` group of UV Editor. - Enhancement : Added ``Rect Select Mode`` for Edge and Polygon selection. ``Intersect`` and ``Complete`` modes are available. The default shortkey is ``CTRL+SHIFT+W``. - Enhancement : Increased gizmos' size in UV Editor entirely. Version 2.8.5 | June.17.2021 ================================ .. figure:: /images/AncientDungeonScenes.png :scale: 30 % - Assets : Includes new ``Ancient Dungeon`` demo pack for 2.8.5 users - Fix : Fixed PushPull tool bug where null exception error happens when a polygon is pushed until the end. - Enhancement : Added a shortcut for ``Select Only Visible`` in Element Tools. The default one is ``CTRL + SHIFT + V`` - Enhancement : Added a shortcut to toggle on and off ``Triangulation`` in Settings. The default one is ``CTRL + SHIFT + 1`` - Enhancement : Added a shortcut to toggle on and off ``Restrict To Angle`` in Settings. The default one is ``CTRL + SHIFT + X`` Version 2.8.4f5 | June.11.2021 ================================= - Assets : Includes ``Blacksmith`` demo pack. - Feature : ``Shrink Selection Tool`` has been added - :ref:`Shrink Selection Tool` - Tweak : Renamed ``Increase Selection tool`` to ``Grow Selection Tool`` - Enhancement : Added some properties like ``Restrict To Angle``, ``Max Angle`` and ``Interative`` in Settings window for ``Grow Select`` - Enhancement : Added Triangulation color field in the Preference. - Fix : Fixed the edge selection bug again. - Fix : Fixed a bug where a polygon becomes black when Vertex snap holding ``V`` key is applied. .. figure:: /images/GrowSelection_RestrictToAngle.gif :scale: 30 % Grow Selection where ``Restrict To Angle`` is applied .. figure:: /images/GrowSelection_NoIterative.gif :scale: 30 % Grow Selection where ``Iterative`` is off Version 2.8.4f4 | June.10.2021 ================================= - Assets : Includes ``Blacksmith`` demo pack. - Fix : Fixed the edge selection bug where edges can't be selected. - Fix : Fixed a bug in Unity 2021.1 where orange highlight wasn't turned off when entering the edit mode. - Fix : Fixed a bug where occluded vertices/edges were selected as ``Select Only Visible`` was enabled. - Fix : Fixed a bug where long delay happened in play mode when a UModeler object is selected due to processing menu icons. - Enhancement : Added ``Remove All`` button in the Smoothing Group Tool Version 2.8.4f2 | May.31.2021 ================================= - Assets : Includes ``Blacksmith`` demo pack. - Enhancement : Added ``Extrude Modifier Key`` to ``Preference`` window to set the modifier key for extruding using the gizmos. Either ``Shift`` or ``Capslock`` is available. .. figure:: /images/ExtrudeModifierKeySettings.png :scale: 60 % - Enhancement : Added ``Enable Alpha Channel`` to ``Settings`` window in ``UV Editor`` to apply the alpha channel to display transparent pixels. .. figure:: /images/EnableAlphaChannel_UVEditorSettingsWindow.png :scale: 60 % - Fix : Fixed the edge selection bug when a UModeler object scale is not uniform. Version 2.8.4f1 | May.18.2021 ================================= - Assets : Includes ``Blacksmith`` demo pack. - Enhancement : A function to select overlapping polygons has been added to the Diagnosis Tool. - Fix : Fixed a bug where objects hidden in the Hierarchy were clicked. - Fix : Fixed a bug where UVs move suddenly when a vertex moves. The UVs are transformed in UV tool. - Fix : Fixed a bug that caused the scene's pull-down menu to close immediately when the UV editor is on. Version 2.8.4 | May.10.2021 ================================= .. figure:: /images/blacksmith.png - Assets : Includes ``Blacksmith`` demo pack. - Enhancement : Added The Pixel snap to ``UV Editor``. - Enhancement : V snap - If you drag the XYZ axis and snap to another point holding ``V key``, only the dragged axis coordinate will be aligned with that point. Namely ``1D snapping`` has been restored. - Enhancement : Added ``Menu > Tools > UModeler > Export as .Obj`` menu. Using this menu, you can export UModeler objects to an OBJ file even when multiple objects are selected at once and an object without UModeler is selected. - Fix : Fixed a bug where snaps were applied twice when moving edges or polygons in the world grid. - Fix : Changed the grayscale icons not to be loaded when entering play mode. - Fix : Changed the lightmap UV2 coordinates to be updated every time the umodeler is modified. - Fix : The minimum values ​​of Width and Depth of the Rectangle Tool and the Box Tool have been changed from 0.01 to 0.001. - Fix : Increased the overlay size of Vertex tool and Rectctangle Selection tool in UV Editor. - Fix : Fixed a bug where V Snapping to other objects didn’t work in 2020.3 and newer versions. Version 2.8.3f3 | April.30.2021 ================================= - Assets : Includes The Medieval Town : Vermilion demo pack. - Assets : Includes The Urban Buildings demo pack to showcase Hotspot Texturing feature. - Fix : Fixed the broken light map issue when LMB is clicked on a polygon in the Box Tool. - Fix : Fixed ModelerHelper_Objects error message. - Fix : Fixed UV disappearing in UV Editor when pushing or pulling a polygon. - Enhancement : Assigned shortcuts to ``Hotspot Group`` toggle and ``Apply Selected Hotspot`` button. - Enhancement : Added ``Hotspot Scale`` parameter in ``Hotspot Layout`` tool. Version 2.8.3f2 | April.26.2021 ================================= .. figure:: /images/HotspotTexturing_UrbanBuildings.png - Assets : Includes The Medieval Town : Vermilion demo pack. - Assets : Includes The Urban Buildings demo pack to showcase Hotspot Texturing feature. - Feature : Added the Hotspot Texturing. - Fix : Fixed z-fighting issue of a face overlay in ISO mode. - Fix : Fixed a bug where a duplicated polygon moves along with the original polygon when it's unwrapped and duplicated. - Enhancement : Implemented Picking Vertex Color. Pick Color button has been added in the Vertex Color tool and the Polygon color tool. - Enhancement : Modified the scale gizmo behaviour so that it is snapped to (0,0,0) and it can't have minus scale values. Version 2.8.3 | April.12.2021 ==================================== .. figure:: /images/Vermilion_screenshot.png - Assets : Includes the Medieval town : Vermilion deom package. Version 2.8.2f3 | March.29.2021 ==================================== - Assets : Includes the Dreadnought: SF combat robot demo pack. - Fix : Fixed V Snapping not working from Unity 2020.2 and newer versions. Version 2.8.2f2 | March.19.2021 ==================================== - Assets : Includes the Dreadnought: SF combat robot demo pack. - Fix : Fixed the toolbar disappearing caused by the fix in 2.8.2f1 Version 2.8.2f1 | March.17.2021 ================================== - Assets : Includes the Dreadnought: SF combat robot demo pack. - Fix : Fixed Null Reference Exception when ``Open`` button in the inspector is clicked. - Fix : Fixed typos of tooltips etcs. - Enhancement : Supported converting a quad-based mesh using ``UModelerize``. Version 2.8.2 | March.3.2021 ================================== .. figure:: /images/dreadnought_image.png - Assets : Includes the Dreadnought: SF combat robot demo pack. - Enhancement : Supported collaborating with the Surforge asset. - Fix : Fixed not being able to select vertices on the mirror plane in Mirror mode. Version 2.8.1f3 | Feb.17.2021 ================================== - Assets : Includes the Turtle Ship demo pack. - Enhancement : Added the Hand tool in UV Editor. - Enhancement : Added Alt+RMB Move to Zoom in/out in UV Editor - Fix : Fixed not being able to move 3D cursor using the move gizmo. - Fix : Fixed overlapped polygons after UV unwrapping and using LoopSlice tool. - Fix : Fixed Hand tool not working on the edit mode in the scene view. - Fix : Fixed a bug where double click for loop selection didn't work when the cursor is on a gizmo. - Fix : Fixed Select Only Visible not working on edges. Version 2.8.1f1 | Feb.2.2021 ================================== - Assets : Includes the Turtle Ship demo pack. - Fix : Fixed a bug where a object move using a move gizmo's arrow isn't correct in a rotated UModeler object. Version 2.8.1 | Feb.1.2021 ================================== .. figure:: /images/TurtleShip.png - Assets : Includes the Turtle Ship demo pack. - Enhancement : The existing Move, Rotate and Scale gizmos have been replaced with the Unity Move, Rotate and Scale Handles. - Enhancement : Length of every selected edge has been displayed when ``Local Overlay`` is on. - Enhancement : Length of every edge consisting of the selected faces has been displayed when ``Local Overlay`` is on. - Enhancement : ``Arc tool``'s overlay info has be upgraded. Version 2.8.0f1 | Jan.14.2021 ================================== - Assets : Includes the ``Witch's Cauldron`` demo pack. - Fix : Fixed ``Loop Selection`` bug where it didn't work on the cap polygon of beveled shape - Fix : Fixed a Parallel tool bug where repeating the previous action by the ``LMB Double click`` made an incorrect parallel edge. - Fix : Fixed a renaming issue of Polygon Group tool. - Improvement : Now the mesh .asset folder which you used recently is restored when you save your mesh as .asset Version 2.8.0 | Jan.4.2021 ================================== .. figure:: /images/WitchCauldron.png - Assets : Includes the ``Witch's Cauldron`` demo pack. - Fix : Fixed UV disappearing bug as UModeler objects are duplicated