############################ UModeler 2018 ############################ .. figure:: /images/UModeler_Banner.png Version 2.3 ================================================================================== - Enhancement : Makes it possible to spawn a new primitive shape at a 3d cursor position by clicking on the one-click button - Enhancement : 3D cursor - Enables to position 3D cursor everywhere by SHIFT+CTRL+LMB - in the air, on any position of a polygon and at a vertex - Enhancement : Enableing Edge Loop to be selected by LMB double click. - Enhancement : Added All UModeler object selection to the All/None Select tool. - Enhancement : Automatic syncs between ``Generate Lightmap UVs`` param in the Local Settings Tool and ``Lightmap Static`` variable in MeshRenderer - BugFix : Serialization errors - null reference exception - BugFix : Applied rich text to the icons' tooltips in the toolbar and menu window. - BugFix : Wrong rectangle selection of vertex/edge/polygon, and display of overlay numbers in the scaled scene view. - BugFix : Not displaying all tools in the shortcut setting in Preference. - BugFix : Made a clone outline clearer by giving more offset in the clone normal direction. Version ================================================================================== - BugFix : Fixed missing textures after UModelerizing. Version ================================================================================== - BugFix : Fixed leaving Vertex/polygon selection blue boxes even after deleting the UModeler object. - BugFix : Fixed not displaying "Confirm" and "Cancel" button after doing an action for creating primitive shapes due to not repainting the area of the properties. Version 2.2.3 ================================================================================== - Feature : Added the One-Click Build feature to Rectange, Disk, Box, Room, Stair, Cylinder, Cone, Spiral Stair, Sphere and Capsule tools. - Enhancement : Allowed the 3D cursor to move to the center of a polygon under the mouse cursor by CTRL+SHIFT+RMB. - Enhancement : Added "Confirm" and "Cancel" buttons as necessary in the Properties. - BugFix : Enabled z-test of the transparent selection polygon displayed on the selected polygons, and resolved z-fighting issue. - BugFix : Reverting the changes done just before pressing Play button. Version 2.2.2 ================================================================================== - Feature : Added Spiral Stair Tool - BugFix : Line Tool - Disappearance of a part of a line drawn across a polygon more than twice - BugFix : The mesh out of UModeler disappeared while the camera is near it due to a incorrect bound box. - Enhancement : Enabled the text based menu to be displayed on the separate menu window like Icon based Menu. - Enhancement : Reduced the flickering of outlines of UModeler mesh. Version 2.2.1 ================================================================================== - BugFix : Vertex/Edge/Polygon Tools - Adding multiple selections by dragging LMB holding CTRL - BugFix : Line Tool - Cutting a polygon by a new edge between another existing two edges. - BugFix : Line Tool - Wrong shape of polygon when connecting the last point to the first point. - BugFix : UModelerize - Fixed UModelerization failure. - BugFix : Remove Doubles - Immediate update of blue vertex boxes for selection. - BugFix : UI of the inspector - Fixed blocking key inputs in a parameter editor box. - Change : Adding the popup menu for selecting menu mode in both the UV Editor and the inspector window. Version 2.2.0 ================================================================================== General --------------- - Change : Replaced ``Tools`` and ``Settings`` foldout arrows with Toolbar UI in the inspector. - Change : Changed ``Transform`` group name into ``Elements``. - Change : Moved ``Pivot Tool`` from ``Transform group`` to ``Tweak group``. - Change : Disabled the Local Ruler display of the selected elements. - Change : ``Snap Tool`` has been renamed to ``Snap Move Tool`` and moved from ``Transform grooup`` to ``Tweak group``. - Change : ``3D Cursor Tool`` has been removed. Instead 3D cursor can be enabled via Settings and it can be positioned anytime. - Change : Removed ``Cursor As Pivot`` property in ``Vertex/Edge/Polygon Tools``. Instead just enabling ``3D Cursor`` in ``Settings`` does it. - Change : ``Help`` button has been replaced with ``?`` button in the inspector. - Change : Renamed ``Invert Face Tool`` into ``Flip Tool``. - Change : Renamed ``Flip Tool`` into ``Axis Flip Tool``. - Change : Moved UModeler status box displayed on Scene view to the inspector. - Change : Disabled ``Input Viewer`` which will be replaed with ``Commentary Box`` - Change : Moved ``Open UVEditor`` button from ``Surface Group`` into ``UV Tool`` property. - Change : Removed Polygon group button and list in UModeler status. They are only availabe within ``Polygon Group Tool``. - Enhancement : Improved a way of positioning 3D Cursor by ``Ctrl+Shift+LMB`` on a vertex. - Enhancement : Auto snapping ``3D Cursor`` to the cloeset UV vertex. - Enhancement : ``Align Tool`` - Replacing Axis/Location combo boxes with Toolbar buttons. - Enhancement : ``Boolean Tool`` - Revealed each boolean operation as tools in the inspector. - Enhancement : ``Pivot Tool`` - Enhanced a way of setting a pivot. 3D Cursor position will be the pivot as soon as selecting ``Pivot Tool``. - BugFix : ``Clone Tool`` - Fixed invisible polygon outlines along a line while dragging LMB. - BugFix : ``Eraser Tool`` - Fixed incorrect edge removal on a quad of a cube which is converted from a Unity primitive cube. - BugFix : Fixed wrong directions and positions of gizmos after rotating or scaling an object. - BugFix : Fixed wrong positions of vertex/polygon boxes used for selecting vertex/polygon. - BugFix : Fixed a shared mesh after duplicating a UModeler object. - BugFix : Fixed replacing Unity primitive shape mesh with UModeler mesh after UModelerizing. - BugFix : ``Multi PushPull Tool`` - Fixed former polygons disappearance when one step pushpull is done just after pushpull by dragging an arrow - BugFix : Fixed Duplicated Cancel action triggered by pressing ``ESC`` while selecting Vertex/Edge/Polygon. UV Editor --------------- - Feature : Added ``Packing Tool``. - Feature : Added ``Fit Tool``. - Feature : Renamed ``Collapse Tool`` to ``Weld Tool`` and divided it into ``Weld to First``, ``Weld to Ave`` and ``Weld to Last``. - Enhancement : Auto snapping ``Cross Cursor`` to the cloeset UV vertex. - Enhancement : Improved the whole performance. - Change : ``Make Island Tool`` has been renamed to ``Detach`` Tool. - Change : ``Sew Group`` and ``Break Merge Group`` has been merged and the merged group has been named ``Weld and Break``. New UI System ---------------- .. figure:: /images/UModeler_NewUI.gif :scale: 95 % New Menu System - Switchable between Text based and Icon based by clicking ``T`` toggle in the inspector. - Feature : New Menu System (Icon and Context based). This can be enabled by toggling ``T`` off in the inspector. - Feature : ``Commentary Box`` - Can be enabled/disabled via ``Settings``. - Feature : Added ``T`` toggle to the top of the inspector to switch the menu between Text-based and Icon-based - Feature : Added ``F`` toggle next to ``T`` toggle to make the menu dockable and floatable. - Feature : Placed Vertex/Edge/Polygon Tools icons on the top-center of the scene view. - Feature : Placed Settings icon and 3D Cursor icon next to Vertex/Edge/Polygon tool icons on the scene view. They can be toggled on and off. - Change : Added ``UModeler Window`` to the top menu. Version 2.1.1 ================================================================================== - Feature : Edge/Polygon Tranform - Added Extrusion fuctions holding ``SHIFT``. - Enhancement : Vertex/Edge/Polygon Selection - Added ``Select only visible`` property to selects non occluded elements from a camera. (See :ref:`this `) - Enhancement : Multi PushPull - Changed a helper line to an arrow. - Enhancement : Multi PushPull - Added One step push/pull. - Enhancement : Multi PushPull - Added Vertex Normal type extrusion. - Change : Multip PushPull - ``Individual`` in PushPull type has been renamed to ``Individual Polygon`` - Change : Removed ``Game Object`` tool and Renamed ``Collider Object`` to ``New UModecler`` in Misc group. - Feature : UVTool - Added ``Export`` tool to export uv outlines to .png file. Version 2.1.0 ================================================================================== - Feature : Export/import button in the Preference window to export/import shortcuts and general settings as a xml format. - Enhancement : Collider tool - Added Assign Mesh button to assign the current mesh to the mesh collider. - BugFix : Ballooned gizmos when scale in transform component has been changed. - BugFix : Not coming back to the previous mesh immediately after canceling action by pressing ESC Version 2.0.9 ================================================================================== - Feature : Added "Triangulate" in the menu - Enhancement : Inset tool - Enabling an inset from a hole. - Enhancement : UModelerizing probuilder mesh. After converting, probuilder specific components are removed. - BugFix : Keeping Polygon mode after using Combine tool or Flatten tool. - BugFix : Spammed warning messages displayed while typing numbers in the inspector after transfoming/extruding. Version 2.0.8 ================================================================================== .. figure:: /images/UModeler_ProSkin.png - Feature : Added a new tool - Polygon Group Tool. - Fix : Some incorrect colors on Pro skin. Version 2.0.7 ================================================================================== - Feature : Advanced menu tooltips. - Feature : Added ``Help`` button at the top of tools in the Inspector to show Online Manual - Feature : Added Color settings in Preferences. (See :ref:`this `) - Enhancement : Shortcut Settings in Preferences - Modifiers' list box has been replaced with 3 toggle boxes (``Shfit``, ``Ctrl`` and ``Alt``) (See :ref:`this `) - Documentation : 3D Cursor Tool. - Documentation : Pivot Tool - Documentation : Snap Tool - Fix : Material Tool - Added codes to deal with null material. - Fix : Error of invalid selected polygon display. Version 2.0.6 ================================================================================== - Feature : New snapping - Snap to X-axis or Y-axis of the current placed points. This makes drawing a rectangle and a right angle triangle etc possible using ``Line Tool`` - Feature : Seamless Editing - UModeler objects in a scene can be edited seamlessly. (See :ref:`this `) - Enhancement : Edge display - Disabled showing invisible parts' edges. - Fix : Added recalculating tangents (See :ref:`this `) - Fix : Z-fighting of the polygon selection mesh. Version 2.0.51 ================================================================================== - Hotfix : Adding/Removing material in Material tool wreren't allowed. - Hotfix : Individual edge transform holding ``SHIFT``. - Hotfix : Incorrect triangle count. The former displayed triangle number was twice more than the real one. Version 2.0.5 =============== - UV Editor : PBR texture preview - UV Editor : Keeps width/height ratio of the polygon after unwrapping. - UV Editor : Keeps the orientation of the polygons after unwrapping. - Supports the Surforge preview texture wrapped in UModeler. - UV Editor : 1D snapping done by transforming elements holding ``CTRL`` - Transform tool : 1D snapping done by transforming elements holding ``CTRL`` - Transform tool : Exposure of ``Insert Vertex`` property. - ``Transform Tool`` : Vertex splits when transforming a vertex holding ``SHIFT``. - ``Material Tool`` : Improvement of displaying material preview in the list. The material with no texture is also displayed well. - ``Bevel Tool`` : Made the selected vertices/edges/polygons visible at the beginning of Beveling. - ``Vertex Color Tool`` has been added. - The Color tool has been renamed to ``Polygon Color Tool``. - Grid Setup : ``0.0315``, ``0.0625`` grid size have been added to Popular Grid Size