.. |Icon_UVEditor_QuickTransform_FlipHorizontal| image:: /images/Icon_UVEditor_QuickTransform_FlipHorizontal.png :scale: 100 % .. |Icon_UVEditor_QuickTransform_FlipVertical| image:: /images/Icon_UVEditor_QuickTransform_FlipVertical.png :scale: 100 % .. |Icon_UVEditor_QuickTransform_FlipCenter| image:: /images/Icon_UVEditor_QuickTransform_FlipCenter.png :scale: 100 % ************ Flip Tools ************ Horizon Flip Tool |Icon_UVEditor_QuickTransform_FlipHorizontal| --------------------------------------------------------------------- Flips the selected elements by Y Axis which is usually across the center of the selected elements. If ``Cursor`` is on, the Y Axis will be on the ``Cursor`` Vertical Flip Tool |Icon_UVEditor_QuickTransform_FlipVertical| --------------------------------------------------------------------- Flips the selected elements by X Axis which is usually across the center of the selected elements. If ``Cursor`` is on, the X Axis will be on the ``Cursor`` Center Flip Tool |Icon_UVEditor_QuickTransform_FlipCenter| --------------------------------------------------------------------- Flips the selected elements by a point whose position is the center of the selected elements unless ``Cursor`` is off. If ``Cursor`` is on, The cursor pos is the point position. Steps ------ 1. Select elements (UVs, Edges or Polygons) 2. Go to one of Horizon/Vertical/Center Flip Tools. .. |UModeler_UVEditor_Flip| image:: /images/UModeler_UVEditor_Flip.jpg :scale: 100 % .. |UModeler_UVEditor_HorizonFlip| image:: /images/UModeler_UVEditor_HorizonFlip.jpg :scale: 100 % .. |UModeler_UVEditor_VerticalFlip| image:: /images/UModeler_UVEditor_VerticalFlip.jpg :scale: 100 % .. |UModeler_UVEditor_CenterFlip| image:: /images/UModeler_UVEditor_CenterFlip.jpg :scale: 100 % |UModeler_UVEditor_Flip| |UModeler_UVEditor_HorizonFlip| ``Horizon Flip`` |UModeler_UVEditor_Flip| |UModeler_UVEditor_VerticalFlip| ``Vertical Flip`` |UModeler_UVEditor_Flip| |UModeler_UVEditor_CenterFlip| ``Center Flip``