.. |Icon_Tweak_SnapMove| image:: /images/Icon_Tweak_SnapMove.png :scale: 100 % ################################################ Snap Move Tool |Icon_Tweak_SnapMove| ################################################ Moves a polygon to the specific position. This tool can be used to move a profile polygon for ``Follow Tool``. Steps ------- 1. Go to ``Snap Move Tool`` 2. Click on a polygon. Then blue boxes will be displayed at each vertex and more. 3. Click on one of those blue boxes to set a pivot pos. 4. Move the mouse to select a blue box to set a up direction. 5. Locate the polygon to any vertex. Interface ----------- ``SPACE`` Flips the selected polygon horizontally. ``LMB Down`` Selects a position. ``ESC`` Goes back to the previous step or exits the Snap tool. Properties ----------- Flip Flips the polygon horizontally. .. figure:: /images/UModeler_SnapMove_0.jpg :scale: 100 % Click on a position to be used as a pivot. .. figure:: /images/UModeler_SnapMove_1.jpg :scale: 100 % Click on a position to be used as a up direction. .. figure:: /images/UModeler_SnapMove_2.jpg :scale: 100 % Move the mouse to a vertex. You can see that the polygon will move the vertex. Press ``LMB`` when the polygon is located at the proper location. .. figure:: /images/UModeler_SnapMove_3.jpg :scale: 100 % With ``Polygon Tool`` select the polygon you place before and the path polygon. .. figure:: /images/UModeler_SnapMove_4.jpg :scale: 100 % Go to ``Follow Tool`` to check out a new mesh created out of the trace.