.. |Icon_Tweak_Pivot| image:: /images/Icon_Tweak_Pivot.png :scale: 100 % #################################### Pivot Tool |Icon_Tweak_Pivot| #################################### Sets a position of a pivot of the current object. The current position of 3D cursor will be a pivot pos immediately after selecting this tool. .. |UModeler_Pivot_0| image:: /images/UModeler_Pivot_0.jpg :scale: 100 % |UModeler_Pivot_0| ``Tool Handle Position`` should be set as ``Pivot`` to check out the pivot position of a game object. .. |UModeler_Pivot_1| image:: /images/UModeler_Pivot_1.jpg :scale: 100 % .. |UModeler_Pivot_2| image:: /images/UModeler_Pivot_2.jpg :scale: 100 % |UModeler_Pivot_1| |UModeler_Pivot_2| Position the 3D cursor and select ``Pivot Tool``. Then the 3D cursor pos will be the pivot.