.. |Icon_Tweak_AxisFlip| image:: /images/Icon_Tweak_AxisFlip.png :scale: 100 % ################################################ Axis Flip Tool |Icon_Tweak_AxisFlip| ################################################ .. note:: Since Ver 2.2 ``Flip Tool`` has been renamed to ``Axis Flip Tool``. Flips the selected polygons along its local X-, Y- or Z-Axes across the mirror plane center. This tool behaves like the Mirror tool to some degree. Steps -------------------------------- 1. Select ``Flip Tool`` with the selected polygons. 2. Adjust ``Axis``, ``Distance`` and ``Invert`` properties to set the mirror plane. `Distance` can also be adjusted by dragging the arror of the mirror plane or clicking on a vertex. 3. Click on ``Flip`` button. Properties --------------- Select Only Visible Selects only visible vertices/edges/polygons from a camera. Occluded elements from other polygons will not be selected. This is available only when the game object has MeshCollider component. Axis Mirror plane axis Invert Inverts the direction of the mirror plane. Distance The distance of the mirror plane. Flip Flips the mirror plane. .. |UModeler_AxisFlip_1| image:: /images/UModeler_AxisFlip_1.jpg :scale: 100 % .. |UModeler_AxisFlip_2| image:: /images/UModeler_AxisFlip_2.jpg :scale: 100 % |UModeler_AxisFlip_1| |UModeler_AxisFlip_2| Duplicatd polygons are flipped over the mirrored plane.