.. |Icon_Tweak_Align| image:: /images/Icon_Tweak_Align.png :scale: 100 % #################################### Align Tool |Icon_Tweak_Align| #################################### Aligns the vertices of the selected elements within bounds. Steps --------------------------------- 1. Select ``Align Tool`` with the selected elements, or Enter ``Align Tool`` and select vertices. 2. Choose Axis and Location in Properties. 3. Click on ``Align`` button. Properties --------------- Select Only Visible If on, Selects only visible vertices/edges/polygons from a camera. Occluded elements from other polygons will not be selected. This is available only when the game object has MeshCollider component. Axis X, Y, or Z axis for alignment. Location * ``Min`` - Minimum location of the selected axis. * ``Middle`` - Middle location of the selected axis. * ``Max`` - Maximum location of the selected axis. .. |UModeler_Align_0| image:: /images/UModeler_Align_0.jpg :scale: 100 % .. |UModeler_Align_1| image:: /images/UModeler_Align_1.jpg :scale: 100 % |UModeler_Align_0| |UModeler_Align_1| Vertices on the top cap are aligned with the minium Y position of the selection.