.. |Icon_Remove_Clip| image:: /images/Icon_Remove_Clip.png :scale: 100 % ############################## Clip Tool |Icon_Remove_Clip| ############################## Cuts away the parts of the selected polygons under the ``Clip polygon``, which has to be selected after pressing ``Clip`` button. Steps ------- 1. Select polygons. 2. Go to ``Clip Tool`` 3. Move the cursor to the polygon which will clip the selected polygons and press ``LMB`` 4. You can check out that the selected polygons are clipped. .. |UModeler_Clip_0| image:: /images/UModeler_Clip_0.jpg :scale: 100 % .. |UModeler_Clip_1| image:: /images/UModeler_Clip_1.jpg :scale: 100 % |UModeler_Clip_0| |UModeler_Clip_1| The part of the selected polygons below the clipped polygon are removed.