.. |Icon_Group_PrimitiveShapes| image:: /images/Icon_Group_PrimitiveShapes.png :scale: 100 % ######################################################################## Primitive Shapes Group |Icon_Group_PrimitiveShapes| ######################################################################## .. tip:: 1. Pressing ``SPACE`` confirms the current action. On the other hand ``ESC`` cancels it. 2. You can adjust a shape by changing the properties before confirming. 3. The mouse cursor will be snapped to a vertex, a center of edge, a center of polygon etc when the cursor gets close enough to them. 4. ``Glue`` and ``Border Check`` Properties are common in the most primitive shape tools. See the demo of ``Box Tool`` to find out how they work. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 BoxTool.rst RoomTool.rst StairTool.rst CylinderTool.rst ConeTool.rst SpiralStairTool.rst SphereTool.rst CapsuleTool.rst