.. |Icon_PrimitiveShapes_Capsule| image:: /images/Icon_PrimitiveShapes_Capsule.png :scale: 100 % ######################################################################## Capsule Tool |Icon_PrimitiveShapes_Capsule| ######################################################################## Creates a capsule Steps ------------ 1. Select ``Capsule Tool`` 2. Drag the mouse to draw a disk. 3. Release ``LMB`` and move the mouse in a normal direction to raise up a capsule. 4. Click ``LMB`` to stop. 5. Type the count of edges in ``Segment`` field, radius in ``Radius`` field and height in ``Height`` field if necessary. 6. Press ``SPACE`` to complete or Press ``ESC`` to cancel. Interface ------------- ``LMB Drag`` Draws a disk. ``SPACE`` Completes creating a capsule. ``ESC`` Cancels creating a capsule. Properties --------------- Segments The count of side faces Radius A radius of a capsule Height A height of a capsule Angle Snap When you drag the mouse with this property on, the capsule’s forward direction will snap to every 90 degree. Auto Smoothing Creates smoothed surfaces which have a common smoothing group. Border Check If this is enabled, the ray cast will run and it checks if the created capsule is beyond the other polygons. It might cause a stop for a second at the beginning. Glue This property in Capsule tool isn’t used. .. figure:: /images/UModeler_Capsule_OnThefloor.jpg :scale: 95 % Capsule on the floor. .. figure:: /images/UModeler_Capsule_OnPolygon.jpg :scale: 95 % Capsule on the other polygon.