.. |Icon_Drawing_SideStair| image:: /images/Icon_Drawing_SideStair.png :scale: 100 % ################################################ Side Stair Tool |Icon_Drawing_SideStair| ################################################ You can draw a stair profile on a plane. It is like drawing a rectangle. Interface ------------ ``LMB Drag`` Draws a stair profile ``SPACE`` Confirmation ``ESC`` Cancellation Properties ------------ Select Only Visible If on, the shape can be built on only a visible polygon. Namely backfaced or occluded polygons are excluded. Floor Height The height of the floor where the primitive shape is built by LMB Dragging. Rise Distance between two treads. Flip Flips the drawn stair profile. .. figure:: /images/UModeler_SideStair.jpg :scale: 95 % Side Stair on a polygon.