.. |Icon_Drawing_Parallel| image:: /images/Icon_Drawing_Parallel.png :scale: 100 % ################################################ Parallel Tool |Icon_Drawing_Parallel| ################################################ The closest edge from the mouse cursor gets copied and it will be moved parallel to the original edge following the mouse cursor. Steps -------- 1. Select ``Parallel Tool`` 2. Move the mouse cursor to any point nearby the edge you want to copy and move. 3. Start to drag the mouse holding ``LMB`` in a normal direction of the original edge. 4. Release ``LMB`` where you want to put the copied edge. 5. Type ``Distance`` property if you want the precise distance. 6. Press ``SPACE`` to confirm what you did or Press ``ESC`` to cancel it. Interface ------------ ``LMB Drag`` Copies and moves the edge in a parallel direction. ``SHIFT + LMB`` Duplicates the previous Parallel action. ``SPACE`` Confirmation ``ESC`` Cancellation Properties ------------ Distance Distance from the original edge. .. figure:: /images/UModeler_ParallelTool.jpg :scale: 95 % Parallel Edge.