.. |Icon_Drawing_Line| image:: /images/Icon_Drawing_Line.png :scale: 100 % ################################ Line Tool |Icon_Drawing_Line| ################################ You can draw edges on a surface or on a floor in a row to sketch or cut out a polygon Steps ------- 1. Select ``Line Tool`` under Drawing Group. 2. Click ``LMB`` on where you want to start to draw. 3. Click ``LMB`` to place another point to draw an edge. 4. You can draw successive edges by putting points until pressing ``SPACE``. 5. If you want to go back to the previous point, Press ``ESC``. .. tip:: When you move the cursor, you'll notice that it will be snapped and its color will change according to where it is. * At an edge - ``green`` * The center of an edge - ``yellow`` * At a vertex - ``orange`` * At the starting point - ``sky blue`` * When aligned with one of x,y,z of a drawn vertex - ``pink`` * Parallel with any of the global axes - ``blue`` Interface ------------ Select Only Visible If on, the shape can be built on only a visible polygon. Namely backfaced or occluded polygons are excluded. Floor Height The height of the floor where the primitive shape is built by LMB Dragging. ``LMB`` Places a point ``SPACE`` Confirms the drawn edges. Holding ``CTRL`` Disables the cursor snap. ``ESC`` Cancels the previous point. .. figure:: /images/UModeler_LineTool_CreatingPolygon.jpg :scale: 95 % When you place several points and click on the first point, the new polygon will be created. If you do this on the existing polygon, it'll make a hole and generate a polygon inside the hole. If you move the cursor close to the first point, its color will change to sky blue. .. figure:: /images/UModeler_LineTool_DividingPolygon.jpg :scale: 95 % If drawing a line starts on an edge in a polygon and it will end at the same edge or the other edge in the same polygon, this will split the polygon into two.