.. |Icon_Add_Inset| image:: /images/Icon_Add_Inset.png :scale: 100 % #################################### Inset Tool |Icon_Add_Inset| #################################### This tool creates a slightly smaller or bigger polygon of the selected one. Move the cursor over a desired polygon and start to drag a mouse. Then you'll see that the polygon outline will be bigger or smaller. Release ``LMB`` to be done. Try to change the properties in the inspector if necessary. And press ``SPACE`` to confirm. Multiple Inset If several polygons are already selected when ``Inset Tool`` is activated, ``Inset`` will be applied to them at once. Repeat the previous ``SHIFT + LMB`` on a desired polygon repeats the previous inset. Steps - Single Inset ---------------------- 1. Select ``Inset Tool`` with no selection. 2. Click on a polygon you want to apply Inset to. 3. Drag the cursor to define thickness. 4. Release ``LMB`` 5. Adjust ``Thickness`` properties if necessary 6. Press ``SPACE`` or start another inset action to confirm. Steps - Multiple Inset ---------------------- 1. Select ``Inset Tool`` with some polygons selected using ``Polygon Tool``. 2. Start to drag the mouse from a polygon or adjust ``Thickness`` property directly. 3. If necessary, adjust ``Thickness`` property in ``Properties`` to give the precise value. 4. Press ``SPACE`` to complete or Press ``ESC`` to cancel. Interface --------------- ``LMB Drag`` Creates an inset of the selected polygon. ``SHIFT + LMB`` Duplicates the previous inset. ``SPACE`` Confirms the current inset. ``ESC`` Cancels the current inset or exit Inset tool. Properties --------------- Thickness How smaller or bigger the polygon is. This is the distance between the starting point and the current point. Type (for ``Multiple Inset``) * ``Individual`` - Each selected face is inset on its own. * ``Group`` - ``Inset Tool`` operates on the region around selected faces Bridge Edges Links corresponding edges between the original polygon and the inset polygon. .. figure:: /images/UModeler_Inset_0.jpg :scale: 95 % Single Inset. .. figure:: /images/UModeler_Inset_1.jpg :scale: 95 % Multi Inset - Three polygons are selected. .. figure:: /images/UModeler_Inset_2.jpg :scale: 95 % Multi Inset - as ``Type`` property is ``Individual`` .. figure:: /images/UModeler_Inset_3.jpg :scale: 95 % Multi Inset - as ``Type`` property is ``Group``